Queue Management System

Manual OPD System is replaced with Queue Management System. Manual registration of OPD patient is now computerized. All the patients visit respected doctor on their turn. Vitals of all the OPD patient is measured and entered into the computer system. There is a control entry and exit mechanism for the patients. Queue Management System (QMS) Equipment Installation has been done and is functional at THQ Hospital Sadiqabad under the Chief Minister Punjab vision “all patients should be treated equally and in respectful manner”. On daily basis over 1400 patients visit hospital.

Patient Flow

Patients arrive and are given Qmatic tickets for registration. Patients are placed in 5 different categories and they are called to the registration counters accordingly.

Patient Registration

To manage such number at registration Four (04) counters are established. 2 for females, 1 for male and 1 for senior citizen patients.

Vital Counters

Vital Area consisting Four (04) counters is established in OPD Hall where Twelve (04) qualified paramedic staffs are taking patient vitals, maintaining patient history and assigning them filter and consultant clinics.

Clinics Queue

Display counter and LCDs are installed in main OPD Hall as well as outside doctors room where queue numbers are displayed.